Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Most Excellent Adventure

Yesterday morning I was on my way to run some errands.  While stopped at a stop light I noticed a very large yellow lab running alongside two young women.  I noticed him because:
a. I always notice dogs.  I love dogs.
b. He was HUGE.
c. At one point, he flopped to the ground as if exhausted but jumped back up to keep up with his companions.
As I turned the corner I noticed the lab was now running with a different young woman.  He then crossed the street to run with yet another runner.  It was at this point I realized he was loose and didn't belong out running free.  I went around the block with the idea of picking him up and taking him to the Humane Society.  I couldn't find him at first.  I was so afraid he would be hit by a car.  I finally saw him running with yet another young, college woman.  I stopped my Mustang convertible mini van to see if I could catch him.  His running companion asked if I lived nearby because she was also worried about him.  I told her I would take him home, give him a drink, then take him to the Humane Society.  Around this time the Animal Control truck pulled up.  The officer was a tiny, petite, dynamo of a woman.  She scanned the dog for a micro chip.  There wasn't one.  I had already checked for tags, none.  His running companion checked his ears for an identifying tattoo, none.  The officer decided she would drive around with him for awhile, hoping his people would come home for lunch and notice him missing.  The best part of this all was the dog's attitude and zest for life. I swear he was smiling the whole time I was with him.  He had several different running partners that morning and had run through someone's sprinklers.  What an adventure he had.  What a loving, energetic spirit.  The down side, the frustrating part was his owner's negligence.  I don't mean to pass judgement, but where are his tags?  Where is the micro-chip?  I understand a dog like that can get out of the yard and wants to run, but do what you can to ensure his safety and his safe return.  Fortunately for that wonderful dog, he is safe and had a most excellent adventure. 

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