Monday, September 19, 2011

The first of the year

It is a good place to start.  It is the perfect place to start really.  A true beginning.  I have felt the entire summer should be my new beginning, but it wasn't.  I have so many changes I want to make, but have made none of them.  That isn't to say this summer hasn't been full of change.  It has, just not for the better.  A good deal of it has been frustrating, a good deal of it has been depressing and it has been painful.  It is time to start working on the changes I envision will change my life to the one I imagine.  The life I want as mine.  The life in which I am happy, productive and creative.  Today is a good place to start because today is my birthday, the first day of my 48th year.  It's about time I got started on this.   

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